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Checking Out a Boardgame, Episode II

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian looks for scenario material in a World War IV boardgame.

780 hits since 28 Oct 2024

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open.

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The Wargamers' Annual 2025

The Wargamers' Annual 2025. Articles include D-Day Skirmish; Inverurie 1745; French Foreign Legion; The Last of Men and Elves; The Annexation of Chiraz; Pickett's Charge; Russian SYW; Bismarck's wars; OH and Peter Pan; and more. All are in color. $33.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $28.80 USD.
The Silver Bayonet: Italy: The Shades of Calabria

The Silver Bayonet: Italy: The Shades of Calabria. Supplement for The Silver Bayonet features a solo/cooperative campaign, new soldiers, and new foes. New enemies are both mortal and monstrous, and include a variety of Undead. As the major nations vie for military, political, and ideological supremacy over the Mediterranean, the Bourbon royal family plots to reclaim its Neapolitan throne, sending agents from its Sicilian stronghold to support the briganti – Calabria's bandit gangs – in waging a bloody guerrilla war against the occupying French. Meanwhile, rumors spread that the dead no longer rest easy, but rise from their graves to wander isolated valleys and mountain paths. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
Midgard: Heroic Battles Rulebook

Midgard: Heroic Battles Rulebook. New tabletop miniature wargame focuses on heroic leadership and includes sorcery and flying sections, five scenarios, twelve sample force lists, and an appendix to help you create your own forces and heroes. Control of a force of warriors and heroes – any scale miniatures – to game any historical, legendary, or fantasy setting where warriors fight it out with swords, spears, and shields – from the siege of Troy to the battle of Hastings, from the frost giants of Norse myth to the dwarfs of the mountain halls, and from Arthur to El Cid. $49.00 USD


050 Philippines 1944: Third Fleet's First Victory Over Japanese Land-Based Airpower

050 Philippines 1944: Third Fleet's First Victory Over Japanese Land-Based Airpower. The U.S. Navy's 1944 Philippines raids had U.S. naval aircraft challenge and defeat the Japanese land-based air force. Draws upon after-action reports and other primary sources to explain how these strikes impacted the reeling forces of Imperial Japan. Soon overshadowed by the invasion of Leyte and the enormous Battle of Leyte Gulf, few detailed accounts of this campaign exist, but it was an important stage in the Pacific War. The relative ease of these raids prompted the planned invasion of Leyte to be brought forwards by two months. Illustrated with 65 archive photos, original artwork, maps, 3D diagrams, and 15 pages of color illustrations. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
060 Son Tay 1970: The Operation Ivory Coast POW Rescue Mission

060 Son Tay 1970: The Operation Ivory Coast POW Rescue Mission. Details the hugely complex U.S. effort to rescue POWs at Son Tay during the Vietnam War. A joint Army-Air Force assault, with the Navy flying diversionary missions, the Son Tay raid was the first operation to be conducted under the direct command of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and ranks among the most important moments in the development of modern U.S. Special Operations Forces. Includes 50 photos and nine pages of color illustrations. $23.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $19.55 USD.
138 RAF Fighters vs JU 87 Stuka: In the West 1940-41

138 RAF Fighters vs JU 87 Stuka: In the West 1940-41. An illustrated account of the clashes between RAF Fighter Command's Hurricanes and Spitfires and the Luftwaffe's JU-87 Stukas in the skies over France, the Channel, and southern England. Addresses the misconceptions surrounding the JU-87 with a fresh appraisal of its famous actions. Features first-hand accounts, rare photographs, and newly commissioned artwork and diagrams to reveal how the Stuka defended itself against on oncoming fighters and how, in turn, RAF pilots learned to shoot the aircraft down. $23.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $19.55 USD.
334 Tanks in the Philippines 1944-45: The Biggest Armored Clashes of the Pacific War

334 Tanks in the Philippines 1944-45: The Biggest Armored Clashes of the Pacific War. Analyzes the capabilities of the Japanese and American tank forces and how they fought in the Pacific War. Explains how the first relatively small tank clashes on Leyte evolved into the large-scale tank battles (at least in the Pacific Theater) on Luzon. While there was some tank-vs-tank combat in northern Luzon as the Japanese 2nd Tank Division faced separate U.S. Army tank battalions, most tank fighting in the Philippines involved their use in the traditional infantry support role. Contains rare archive photos and detailed original illustrations of the tanks. Illustrated with 40 photos and eight pages of color illustrations. $20.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $17.00 USD.
402 Blood River 1838: The Zulu-Boer War and the Great Trek

402 Blood River 1838: The Zulu-Boer War and the Great Trek Empire Cruise: The Special Service Squadron, 1923-24. Examines the first clash between the Zulu kingdom and European interlopers and its dramatic effects on Boer and Zulu alike. Explores what has long been a controversial and partisan topic in South African history by considering the immense impact the Zulus had on this history. Includes the 1836 Boer/Ndebele conflict, the imbalance in tactics and weaponry, the reasons why the British settlers allied themselves with the Boer Trekkers, and why the war was a key turning point in the use of traditional Zulu military techniques. Also reveals that a Boer victory at Blood River was by no means a foregone conclusion. Contains color illustrations throughout, including battlescene artworks, maps, 3D diagrams, and photographs. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
408 Battle of the Atlantic (1): The U-Boat Campaign Against Britain, 1939-41

408 Battle of the Atlantic (1): The U-Boat Campaign Against Britain, 1939-41, they called it shellshock: Combat Stress in the First World War. The first in a series of books examining the struggle between Allied naval and air forces and the German U-boats in the first 15 months of the war. The Germans attempted to win a tonnage war against Allied shipping. However, torpedo problems and the lack of U-boats prevented the Germans from inflicting crippling losses, even though the British found it impossible to protect all shipping, primarily because of lack of convoy escorts. Contains maps, diagrams, photographs, and battlescene artworks. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
258 Gladiators: 1st-5th Centuries AD

258 Gladiators: 1st-5th Centuries AD. Examines gladiators, who provided a bloody spectacle for the people of ancient Rome and its vast empire. While prominent citizens sponsored games to enhance their own reputations and reward their clients, the emperors soon assumed a near-monopoly on the provision of games. Several emperors, most notoriously Commodus, even entered the arena themselves. In the quest for novelty, contests included prisoners, criminals, and women. Only after the adoption of Christianity as the state religion in AD 380 did armed combat between gladiators enter a decline, and even then beast hunts persisted into the 6th Century. Contains eight color artwork plates, as well as black-and-white color photographs and illustrations. $21.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $17.85 USD.
560 Ground Forces in the Korean War 1950-53 (1): The North Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army

560 Ground Forces in the Korean War 1950-53 (1): The North Korean People's Army and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army. Describes and illustrates the Chinese and North Korean troops who fought U.S. and UN forces in Korea during 1950-53, revealing the evolving organization, tactics, uniforms, insignia, and equipment during three years of warfare in the Korean Peninsula. Reveals the real story of the North Korean and Chinese troops engaged in the Korean War, deepening our understanding of the conflict. Contains eight color artwork plates, as well as black-and-white photographs and illustrations. $20.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $17.00 USD.


Steel Lobsters: Crown, Commonwealth, and the Last Knights in England

Steel Lobsters: Crown, Commonwealth, and the Last Knights in England. Examines the life and English Civil War times of Sir Arthur Hesilrige and his Regiment of Horse, known as the Lobsters as they were encased in plate armor. Covers the full history of England's last knights, from the seeds of their creation in Hesilrige's experience as a young cavalry officer, through their final defeat at Roundway Down in July 1643, and the decision to abandon their armor. Provides lavish detail on arms, armor, and tactics. Includes an eight-page uniform plate section in full-color. $32.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $27.20 USD.
The Gaysh: A History of the Aden Protectorate Levies 1927-61, and the Federal Regular Army of South Arabia 1961-67

The Gaysh: A History of the Aden Protectorate Levies 1927-61 and the Federal Regular Army of South Arabia 1961-67. Examines the Aden Protectorate Levies' growing strength and its relationship with the British Government and U.K. policies. It includes its part in the Silver Jubilee celebration parade in 1935, pre-1939 military operations, its role in WWII, involvement in the evacuation of the Jews following the Arab/Jewish riots in 1947, and the creation of the Federation and the withdrawal of the British Army in 1967. Contains 45 black-and-white photos and two maps. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
The Panzers of Prokhorovka: The Myth of Hitler's Greatest Armored Defeat

The Panzers of Prokhorovka: The Myth of Hitler's Greatest Armored Defeat. Challenges the narrative that Prokhorovka, where the Soviet annihilation of Hitler's elite SS Panzer force in the largest armored clash in history, was a key turning point in the war. Claims that the battle was indeed an important Soviet victory, but very different than described. Based on archival research and supported by images of the battlefield, argues that German armored losses were in fact negligible. Tackles the myths that have built up over the years, and presents a new analysis. Contains 48-page plate section in color and black-and-white. $22.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $18.70 USD.
The Road of Slaughter: The Latvian 15th SS Division in Pomerania, January-March 1945

The Road of Slaughter: The Latvian 15th SS Division in Pomerania, January-March 1945. In Arctic blizzards between January and March 1945, the Latvian 15th SS Division – a core of East Front veterans supporting a mass of raw teenage conscripts from Nazi-occupied Latvia – tried to stop the Red Army sweeping across Pomerania, now Poland. From Danzig to the Oder, examines the exhausting seven-week retreat using interviews with the last remaining Latvian Legionnaires and Latvian archive material that includes translated personal diaries and extracts from the 15th Division war diary. Contains 118 black-and-white photos and 26 maps. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
Forged in War: A Military History of Russia From Its Beginnings to Today

Forged in War: A Military History of Russia from Its Beginnings to Today. Analyzes how war and insecurity drove Russia's destiny for centuries. Looks at how the national identity has been forged in the furnace of war – from the medieval kingdom of Rus battling against Scandinavian princes and Mongol emperors to its own empire-building conflicts in 19th Century Asia, to the formative wars of the 20th Century which saw Russia change from a Tsarist empire to a communist state. Also covers how Putin created a new mood for martial triumphalism that led directly to the disastrous Ukrainian war. Contains contemporary accounts and a 16-page section of color images. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.
U.S. Battle Tanks: 1946-2025

U.S. Battle Tanks: 1946-2025. A comprehensive and detailed illustrated examination of the development and combat performance of U.S. battle tanks from the end of WWII through to the present day. Details full history of the design, development, and operational use of U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps battle tanks. Draws and expands on material published in Osprey's New Vanguard and Duel series to explain how the U.S. Army attempted to come to grips with the challenges of the nuclear battlefield, and examines the introduction of new tank designs such as the famous Patton tank series, as well as short-lived attempts to develop more radical tanks such as the T95. Covers the overly ambitious and failed MBT-70 tank program and the more austere M1 Abrams that followed. Contains 150 period photographs, 75 color artwork illustrations, and maps of key battles and campaigns. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.


Battalion: War of the Ancients (Wargame)

Battalion: War of the Ancients (Wargame). Tile-based wargame inspired by epic battles from ancient history. Choose a faction, consider its ranks, assemble them into units, and carefully balance their orders and sustain your forces in the field. The unique traits of each rank tile will make your units stronger, but combine too many and your units will become unwieldy. Play as the Roman legions, the Han dynasty, the Greco-Bactrian cavalry, or Hannibal's Sacred Band of Carthage. Number of Players: 2 or 4; Ages: 14+; Time: 20 to 45 minutes. Components: one rulebook, 144 tiles, 70+ cards, 24 tokens, two boards, six dice, and four sector markers. $65.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $55.25 USD.

And Don't Forget the Magazines…

World at War Italian Campaign 1943-44 (CIE Volume 3)

World at War Italian Campaign 1943-44 (CIE Volume 3). Covers the Italian campaign, from the Allied invasion of Sicily through the Anzio campaign using the Campaigns in Europe (CIE) system, which focuses on the division/corps level. The system uses the same maps as War in Europe, but with updated graphics and a more detailed terrain analysis. The game system uses a Move/Fight-Fight/Move sequence of play to portray doctrinal differences among contending armed forces. It also uses HQ units to project logistics and combat support capabilities. Each game turn (GT) represents around one week in clear weather and two weeks in mud and snow game turns. Each hex represents 20 miles (32.5 km) across. German, Finnish, and Western Allied units are shown mostly as division-sized units, with Soviet and Axis Allied units depicted as corps. Contains one 22 x 34-inch game map, 280 ½-inch counters, rules, and a magazine. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $45.00 USD.

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