I've just added a regiment of WSS Dismounted Spanish Dragoons to my website.

These consist of nine dismounted figures, which include 1 officer, 1 standardbearer, 1 drummer, 6 troopers loading and firing, 3 mounted horse holders, and 9 dismounted horses.

The regiment retails at £29.00 GBP, but can be bought as part of any of our horse regiment deals.
Our deals are priced at:
- £27.00 GBP each regiment in our two-regiment deal
- £25.00 GBP a regiment in our three-regiment deal
- £23.00 GBP a regiment in our four-regiment deal
- £21.00 GBP a regiment in our Army Horse Builder deal for five regiments
These deals cover our entire WSS and GNW ranges.