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TooFatLardies: "Something for the Weekend" Sale & Salute

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Jamesonsafari writes:

The Mrs. caught me downloading the East front supplement for IABSM last night…

"Aha!" she says.

"But it's not porn" I say.

"Well sort of…"

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18th Century
American Civil War
World War One
World War Two on the Land
World War Two at Sea
World War Two in the Air
Science Fiction
Toy Gaming

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toofatlardies of TooFatLardies writes:

What FANTASTIC value, I must buy something!

Great news for those attending Salute, and for those who can't make it. TooFatLardies are having a 20%-off sale to celebrate the forthcoming big weekend. You can buy everything from their catalog at 20% off list price between now and the Salute weekend. You'll find full details of this great saving sale right here.

And even better news is that we are ignoring those rotters at Royal Mail, and still keeping our postage at 2010 rates!