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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open.

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Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Battilia

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Battilia

This boxed set contains three plastic Scots Covenanter combined Pike & Shotte regiments (40 pike and 40 musket, including command), 6 Scots lancers, 6 mounted Scots dragoons, 15 dismounted Scots dragoons, 3 Scots Covenanter frame gun teams, 3 Scots Covenanter battalia commanders on horseback, plastic bases, and a full-color flag sheet for Scots Covenanters. $44.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $39.60 USD.
Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Starter Set

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Starter Set

This boxed set contains: 12 Scots Covenanter regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic); 12 Scots Covenanter frame guns (plastic); 12 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commanders (plastic); 24 Scots Lancers (plastic); 24 Scots Dragoons (plastic); 60 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic); 3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic); 3 ensigns (plastic); 30 harquebusier cavalry (plastic); 18 commanded shotte (plastic); 6 Cuirassiers (plastic); 3 mounted cornets (plastic); 9 Dragoons (plastic); 15 dismounted Dragoons (plastic); 3 Saker medium guns (plastic); 3 Falconet light guns (plastic); Lord Leven (Warlord Resin); Marquis of Argyll (Warlord Resin); Calvinist Minister (Warlord Resin); 9 casualty markers (Warlord Resin); Plastic bases; and full-color flag sheet. $165.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $148.50 USD.
Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Montrose's Scottish Royalist Starter Army

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Montrose's Scottish Royalist Starter Army

This boxed set contains: 3 regiments of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic); 1 Scots Covenanter regiment of 80 combined pike & musket (plastic); 1 Scots Covenanter frame gun (plastic); 1 mounted Scots Covenanter battalia commander (plastic); 5 dismounted Scots Dragoons (plastic); 4 regiments of 40 Highland Clansmen (Warlord Resin); 3 mounted battalia commanders (plastic); 3 ensigns (plastic); 20 harquebusier cavalry (plastic); 8 commanded shot (plastic); 4 Cuirassiers (plastic); 2 mounted cornet (plastic); 6 Dragoons (plastic); 10 dismounted Dragoons (plastic); 2 Saker medium guns (plastic); 2 Falconet light guns (plastic); The Marquis of Montrose (Warlord Resin); 1 Mounted herald (Warlord Resin); and Alisdair Mac Colla and 2 bodyguards. $120.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $108.00 USD.
Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Casualty Markers

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Scots Covenanters Casualty Markers

This boxed set contains 18 Warlord Resin casualty markers. $28.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $25.20 USD.
Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Montrose's Scottish Royalist Casualty Markers

Pike & Shotte Epic Battles: Montrose's Scottish Royalist Casualty Markers

This boxed set contains 18 Warlord Resin casualty markers. $28.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $25.20 USD.
The Silver Bayonet: Canada Bestiary Deal

The Silver Bayonet: Canada Bestiary Deal

This little extra deal gives you a selection of the creatures you'll encounter in your Silver Bayonet: Canada adventures. Includes: Moose, Grizzly Bear, Tsemaus (We're giving you a shark head rising from the water to represent the Tsemaus), Ghost (North American spirit from the Dracula's America range), and a Polar Bear. $49.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $44.10 USD.
The Silver Bayonet Wave Six Deal: 28mm Figures

The Silver Bayonet Wave Six Deal: 28mm Figures

Get one each of all the new releases: Lower Canada Unit; Upper Canada Unit; Unitied States Unit; Trading Company Unit; Wendigo; Baxbaxwalanuksiwe; and two extra free models – A Dark Wolf and a rearing Grizzly Bear to use as exchange models for your skinchangers. $168.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $151.20 USD.
Late Roman Horse Archers: 28mm Figures

Late Roman Horse Archers: 28mm Figures

Contains twelve superbly detailed and animated riders and horses, shooting to the front, side, and rear, representing the agility of these skilled mounted skirmishers. They come equipped with a powerful composite bow, bow case, arrow quiver, sword, and small round shield strapped to their upper left arm. They can also be used as Early Byzantines, representing the men that fought for Belisarius against the Sassanids and the reconquest of Italy from the Goths. And they can be used as Palmyran horse archers. Palmyra was a client state of Rome based in Syria. They acted as a buffer state against the Sassanid Empire and scored a notable victory over the Sassanids under their king Odenathus. $42.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $37.80 USD.


Rebellion: Eagles of the Empire 22

Rebellion: Eagles of the Empire 22

AD 60. Britannia is in turmoil. The rebel leader Boudica has tasted victory, against a force of tough veterans in Camulodunum. Alerted to the rapidly spreading uprising, Governor Suetonius leads his army towards endangered Londinium with a mounted escort, led by Prefect Cato. Soon it's terrifyingly clear that Britannia is slipping into chaos and panic, with ever more tribal warriors swelling Boudica's ranks. And Cato and Suetonius are grimly aware that little preparation has been made to withstand a full-scale rebellion. $39.00 USD


Forgotten Battles in Russia 1941: Operation Barbarossa Volume 2 – The Exploitation Battles

Forgotten Battles in Russia 1941: Operation Barbarossa Volume 2 – The Exploitation Battles

This book covers the exploitation battles in July 1941, with the Russian defenses collapsing, but the fight was still hard and terrible. There are five sections to the book – The Encapsulation of Smolensk; Closing in on Leningrad; Beyond the Arctic Circle… Onwards to Murmansk; The White K: Army Group South moves on Kiev; and Operation Munich – with 19 scenarios supporting the text, photos and maps. The scenarios are designed for sets of rules that work from platoon- to reinforced-battalion-sized actions. $36.00 USD

The Silver Bayonet: The Canada

The Silver Bayonet: The Canada

Canada is a supplement for The Silver Bayonet that brings players and their officers across the Atlantic and straight into the War of 1812. It offers new scenarios, solo and cooperative as well as competitive; rules for recruiting U.S. units; and creatures and challenges drawn from Canadian history and folklore. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.


Uniforms of the Armies at Waterloo: Volume 4 – French Army

Uniforms of the Armies at Waterloo: Volume 4 – French Army

This fourth volume concludes the series on the Uniforms of the Armies at Waterloo. After the previous volumes presented the Allied side, this fourth part deals with its opponents, the French Armee du Nord under the command of Napoleon I. This Northern Army, despite its short existence after Napoleon's return to France's imperial throne, consisted of numerous experienced soldiers from his earlier campaigns, with the caveat that its uniforms did not always comply with regulations due to the army's rapid mobilization. As in the three previous volumes, this evaluates Charles Lyall's uniform plates by using the current knowledge of how the French troops appeared in 1815. Due to the special status attributed to the French Imperial Guard, especially in England, numerous Lyall plates deal with Guard units. However, some of the units depicted had already been disbanded before 1815 but the editors decided to publish them in this volume as well, along with a short commentary. $46.00 USD

L'Uniforme Des Officiers Du Service De Sante 1757-1814

L'Uniforme Des Officiers Du Service De Sante 1757-1814

The first English translation of L'Uniforme des Officiers du Service de Sante 1757-1814 (aka, The Officers of the Health & Medical Services' Uniforms). This book is a detailed look at the tumultuous and ever-changing regulations and dress styles of the French doctors, surgeons, and pharmacists between the years of 1757-1814. The author writes about the origins and need for health officers and their place in the army, how the military did not want the doctors and surgeons (who were originally slandered as butchers) to wear outfits too closely to their own, and how the wealthy did not want to demean their looks by wearing an ugly attire – thus, the health officers went through countless changes in such a short time period. Provides detailed colored drawings with in-depth labels, describing what the health officers wore from head to toe. $40.00 USD

The King's Coat: A Cultural History of Uniforms From the Late Middle Ages to the First World War

The King's Coat: A Cultural History of Uniforms From the Late Middle Ages to the First World War

Large format, all color, including photos of uniforms, rarely seen plates, and a photo of Bavarian C18th cloth. This book attempts to explore the history of the military uniform from its origins to the present day. The thematic approach comprises various aspects of military costume, examining materials, function, limits as well as the deliberate modification of uniformity. Some unusual illustrations within. $59.00 USD

407: Kingdom of Spain: Artillery on Foot 1808-1815

407: Kingdom of Spain: Artillery on Foot 1808-1815

Peter Bunde Uniform Plate: Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD

Plate 408: Kingdom of Prussia: Cuirassier Regiment No. 8 Heising 1806

Plate 408: Kingdom of Prussia: Cuirassier Regiment No. 8 Heising 1806

Peter Bunde Uniform Plate: Another in the terrific series. Uniform plate with 20+ color figures, flags or standards, facings, etc. Descriptions on reverse side. $14.00 USD


Contrasts in Command: The Battle of Fair Oaks – May 31 – June 1, 1862

Contrasts in Command: The Battle of Fair Oaks – May 31 – June 1, 1862

This first major combat in the Eastern Theater since Bull Run (Manassas) almost a year earlier left more than 11,000 casualties in its wake and cost the primary Southern field army its commander. The possession of Richmond hung in its balance. Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan marched his Army of the Potomac up the Virginia Peninsula during the early spring of 1862 and placed his inexperienced IV Corps at the tip of the spear south of the flood-prone Chickahominy River. McClellan's opponent, Joe Johnston, took the opportunity to strike, and crafted an overly complex attack plan for his Virginia army to crush the exposed corps. A series of bungled marches, piecemeal attacks, and a lack of assertive leadership doomed the Southern plan. One of the wounded late in the day on May 31 was Johnston, whose injury led to the appointment of Robert E. Lee to take his place – a decision that changed the course of the entire Civil War. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.
Fighting From the Heavens: Tactics & Training of U.S.A.A.F. Bomber Crews, 1941-45

Fighting From the Heavens: Tactics & Training of U.S.A.A.F. Bomber Crews, 1941-45

Reprints significant sections of WWII U.S.A.A.F. training manuals used to train air crews, including doctrinal, training, technical, aircraft-specific, and position-specific publications. Bomber crews were a world unto themselves, composed of pilots, co-pilots, engineers, navigators, wireless operators, gunners, and bombardiers. It can help explain U.S. bomber warfare, including long-distance navigation, gun-turret operation, formation flying, bomber start-up procedures, and bomb aiming. Covers the position inside the main WWII U.S. bombers. $30.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $25.50 USD.
Forgotten War: The British Empire and Commonwealth's Epic Struggle Against Imperial Japan, 1941-1945

Forgotten War: The British Empire & Commonwealth's Epic Struggle Against Imperial Japan, 1941-1945

Concentrates on the British and Commonwealth contribution to the defeat of Japan in the Pacific stretching from India in the west to the Solomon Islands in the east and Australia in the south to the waters off Japan in the north. Examines the British and Commonwealth land, sea, and air forces that slowly gained numbers and logistical support. Also provides analysis regarding the effectiveness and relevance of this collective effort and the contributions it made to the overall Allied victory. $38.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $32.30 USD.
British & Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII: Volume I – Destroyers, Frigates, Sloops, Escorts, Minesweepers, Submarines, Coastal Forces & Auxiliaries

British & Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII: Volume I – Destroyers, Frigates, Sloops, Escorts, Minesweepers, Submarines, Coastal Forces & Auxiliaries

Covers the official and unofficial paint schemes that adorned ships of the Royal Navy and Commonwealth during World War II are depicted in detail. The navies developed low visibility camouflage for their ships, on both the vertical and horizontal surfaces, in order to reduce visibility by blending in with the sea, or to confuse the identity of a ship by applying more obtrusive patterns. Covers destroyers and smaller warships to provide a detailed, class by class, and easy-to-use painting guide. In some cases, individual ships are shown in the several schemes they wore at various periods of service. Contains 740 full-color illustrations, all of named vessels. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.
British & Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII: Volume II – Battleships & Aircraft Carriers

British & Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII: Volume II – Battleships & Aircraft Carriers

This second volume of official and unofficial paint schemes that adorned the capital ships of the Royal Navy and Commonwealth covers battleship classes as well as the battlecruisers, monitors, the first and second generation aircraft carriers, as well as light and escort carriers. Contains 525 full-color illustrations, arranged by ship type rather than camouflage scheme, and includes overhead views and multiple images of the ships where armament or equipment changes had a fundamental impact on a ship's appearance. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.
Battleground: The Honduran and Salvadoran Border Conflict 1967-1980

Battleground: The Honduran & Salvadoran Border Conflict 1967-1980

Detailed study of the military aspects of the wars between these two countries. Very well illustrated in color and black-and-white. $48.00 USD

And Don't Forget the Magazines…

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy # 127: Raids Throughout History

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy # 127: Raids Throughout History

Theme: Raids Throughout History: A brief look at raids through the ages – Smash and grab; A Phocian night raid on the Thessalian camp – Ghosts of the dawn; A scenario based on the Battle of Ister River – Dancing on ice; Black Douglas on the warpath: September 1314 – The raid on Canwick; Middlesex and Somerset Raid, October 1779 – A grand day for a ride out; Lighting up the lines of communication – Torch the tower; World War II harbour raids on the tabletop – Going commando; Capturing an enemy VIP for interrogation – The tongue; WWII commando forces for raids – Attain by surprise; Making a break for it with the beef – The cattle rustlers. Features: How to create realistic snow on your bases – General winter; Making varied scatter terrain for the tabletop – Quick, lads, Scatter!; Cheap, practical buildings made from foamcore – Back to basics; Piratical skirmishing in the eighteenth century – Let's play Blood and Plunder: Raise the Black; Bringing Weird War action to the Great War – Let's play a War Transformed. Departments: Miniature reviews; This gaming life – What happened to all the toy soldiers?; The Irregular – On a knife edge; Game reviews – Bolt Action: Case Blue, Eagle's Prey: Villa Rides!, With Hot Lead and Cold Steel, and Flint and Feather: Contact!; Book reviews. $12.00 USD

Ancient History Magazine #46: Seeing Into The Future

Ancient History Magazine #46: Seeing Into The Future

Theme: Seeing Into The Future: Divination and oracles in antiquity – The view from anthropology; Independent diviners in ancient Greece – Claim to fame; Divination and sedition in the Assyrian Empire – The reign of Esarhaddon; Bird and lightning in ancient Rome – Looking up; Oracle bones and state authority in Shang China – Enquiring of the gods; Artemidorus' Oneirocritica – The answer lies in dreams. Features: The gospel of Jesus' wife – A cautionary tale; Beautification in classical Athens – Lipstick and lingerie; Identity, institution, and iconoclasm – The woman king Hatshepsut; A Roman fresco that loosens tongues – Proto pizza; Early Athenian interests abroad – An Athenian Aegean; Corresponding across the empire – Roman mail. $12.00 USD

Vae Victis #171: Pizarro 1532-1537 – The Conquest of the Inca Empire

Vae Victis # 171: Pizarro 1532-1537 – The Conquest of the Inca Empire

News: Nothing left to bomb; Seas of Thunder; King in the North; Ardennes II; Undaunted Battle of Britain; Mr President. Boardgames: Vive l'Empereur; Sniper Elite; John Company; Les conquetes de Napoleon; Skies above Britain; Imperial Tide; On to Richmond; Barrack Emperor; Conflict of Heroes – Orages d'acier; Que Choisir: Ancient Civilizations 1 & 2. Hobby: Des etudiants s'invitent au combat 5e partie; Ecrire des regles pour le jeu avec figurines. Figurines: Art de la Guerre: la cavalerie a travers les ages 4e partie; Le Trone de Fer 2: les armees; Supplement Silver Bayonet; Decors siŠge de Paris 889; Les nouveautes Blood Red Skies. Scenarios: ASL; M44. Rules News: Blood Bilge and Iron Balls; Throwing Thunderbolts; Forgotten Battles in Russia; Bolt Action Campaign Italy; Modelling and painting Vietnam Games. Art of War: The Conquest of Peru. Wargame: Pizzaro: The Conquest of the Inca Empire.

This game is part of the Gold and Steel series which play the campaigns of the end of the 15th Century and beginning of the 16th Century on the strategic and tactical levels. Armies move on the map through zones representing the Incan empire and tactical battles are fought on a tactical map depicting the battlefield. Throughout the game, the Spanish receive a random number of reinforcements from the New World which balance out the forces opposing the Incan military power and their enormous human resources and offers each camp a chance at victory. Complexity: 5/10; Duration: 2 to 3 hours; One turn: one season; Combat unit: approximately 40 Conquistadores or 4000 Indian warriors. French text. Wargame rules in English. $28.00 USD

Paper Wars Issue 103: Second Fallujah: The Second Battle for the City

Paper Wars Issue 103: Second Fallujah: The Second Battle for the City

This two-player (solitaire adaptable) grand-tactical design covers the fighting from the start of the main Coalition assault on 8 November 2004 through 14 November, when most of the city had been secured. One player controls the Insurgent forces; the other controls the Coalition forces. The area-style map has 51 sectors scaled at one inch to 570 feet. Individual units of maneuver are primarily companies or ad hoc groupings of roughly that size. There are seven multi-impulse game turns each representing one full day. Intermediate complexity. $47.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $39.95 USD.
Paper Wars Issue 104: Wolfe Tone Rebellion – Irish Rebellion of 1798

Paper Wars Issue 104: Wolfe Tone Rebellion – Irish Rebellion of 1798

This is a two-player strategic-level game of the French-assisted Irish rebellion of 1796. The game is of low-intermediate complexity, but due to the criticality of hidden-movement in the naval invasion sequence, it is not easily adapted for solitaire play unless the player is will to make large allowances to fudging that important part of play. $47.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $39.95 USD.

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