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NUTS! War Tales: When Aliens Attack! Available

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From Two Hour Wargames

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When Aliens Attack!

So you want to add more Weirdness to your War? Fantastic, you've come to the right place! We have alien Bugs, Greys, Reptons and Nordics all in one NUTS! Halloween special – complete with Ray Guns, Alien Mechs, and acid-spitting Bugs!

World War II was already weird, and if you weren't aware of it, included what could have been encounters with Alien spacecraft. Combat pilots from both sides in Europe, North Africa and the Pacific reported scores of encounters with what Allied airmen called "Foo Fighters" (a term from a popular comic book) – what we could call UFOs or Flying Saucers today. Foo Fighters ranged in shape and size, typically reported as being a round ball of light or a cigar shaped cylinder that could fly and accelerate like no airplane they'd ever seen. Several "Close Encounters" were also reported by French civilians during the Normandy campaign – in one case, a young farmgirl reported being paralyzed by small men in grey coveralls who had exited their metallic grey craft. Others reported encountering human-looking people, and even a reptile man!

You could decide these Foo Fighters are German "Hanebu" flying saucers (NUTS Weird War page 130) – or maybe they are aliens, like in this supplement!

Inside, you'll find:

  • Brief history of UFO Encounters in WWII
  • Rules for aliens, including the Grey's, Reptons, Nordics and Bug Eyed Monsters
  • Special weapons and vehicles
  • How to add aliens to your NUTS! campaign, and even connect it to the 5150 sci-fi universe
  • Sample scenario based on an actual encounter with a grounded UFO

For more information