We are delighted to be able to show you some painted miniatures from the extensive 'oldhammer' collection of OliHot27 over on Instagram. He is a keen collector of the restored Asgard Fantasy Monsters range, but this time it is his VNT Alternative Armies and Fantasy Warlord castings of Ogres that are the subject.

The Alternative Armies VNT (Various Nasty Things) codes are VNT18 Orrid Ogres II and VNT19 Ogre Cavalry sculpted by Phil Lewis in 1991, while the Fantasy Warlord are 16100 Ogres from 1990. All are metal except for the riding rhino which is now presented in resin.
The painting style of OliHot27 suits these classic miniatures really well, and his Instagram is well worth a dig through for a look. We were most happy to be given permission by him to use his pictures on our website too.