Well, here it is.

This is the 2025 Version of Poor Bloody Infantry, the classic WWII company-versus-company game. This replaces the 2015 edition. We usually update rulesets every ten years.
PBI gives each player a company modeled at 1 figure represents 1 man. 1 tank model represents 1 real tank. The figures live and die as groups of 3 or weapon teams.

The accompanying Architect book gives the historical organizations of 100+ different companies, including Dutch, Chinese and Norwegian.
We have made 20 help videos to go with this edition. More planned.
PBI gives both players control of the forces, scenery, scenario and game play. PBI is a game for players who want a full part in a game, rather than just rolling a few dice under the supervision of the alpha player. PBI remains a "top" game.
PBI is only available as PDF at the moment. There will be a print version of the rulebook soon too.