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Khurasan Releases Spanish Colonial Pike & Shot Unit

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Silent Pool writes:

Nice figures. Great things are coming from khurasanminiatures – very impressive.

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3,297 hits since 18 Apr 2013

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

We are very pleased to release the latest set for our popular Spanish Colonial line of 15mm models, a Spanish Colonial pike-and-shot unit.

Spanish Colonial pike-and-shot unit

The first units of Spanish Colonial soldiers generally did not draw up in formal pike-and-shot units, and the troops in fact frequently used the crossbow, a weapon largely abandoned on the continent. However, as they expanded their presence in the New World, the Spanish began to field pike-and-shot formations, although they were not nearly as large as those used in the great battles of continental Europe. Because there were no fully-armored gendarmes or Swiss mercenaries to worry about in the native forces, the ratio of shot to pikes could be much higher.

Some of the models in the unit are in traditional European dress, but others have gone native and wear wide-brimmed sun hats and the heavy fabric armor of local manufacture, making for an interesting and distinctive look for a pike-and-shot unit.

In other news on the New World range, the first codes of Inca will be released quite soon, either as auxiliaries for the Spanish or in their own armies.

The Spanish pike-and-shot unit is available now, at the link below. Happy gaming!

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