Is that a 38cm rocket projectile in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see the Sturmtiger? This absolute beast is now available for you to add to your force. Got a village that needs leveling, or a bunker that needs cracking? You've just found the answer…
The Sturmtiger is one scary-looking machine of war. The original role of the Sturmtiger was intended to be as a heavy infantry support vehicle, to help with attacks on heavily fortified or built-up areas. But by the time it saw service, Germany had gone on the defensive. Still, the few Sturmtigers that made it off the production line took part in such important actions as the Battle of the Bulge and Battle of the Reichswald.
This is just one of many new resin-and-metal vehicles we are releasing into what is already the most comprehensive 28mm WWII range in the world. Keep your eyes posted for loads more to be released!