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Bolt Action British Army 17-pdr Anti-Tank Gun Released

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Jedispice writes:

A nit-pick. The caliber would be 76.2mm, or 7.62cm. ;-)

Nice model though!

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2,620 hits since 21 Feb 2013

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

Having trouble with those German big cats? Fear not – your upper lip can remain stiff as we bring you the deadly 17-pdr anti-tank gun! Replete with British Army crew, this will put more than a dent in Herr Hitler's Panzers…

17 pdr anti-tank gun

17 pdr anti-tank gun

Officially titled the Ordnance Quick-firing 17-pounder, this excellent anti-tank gun was more commonly known as the 17-pdr. A 3" (7.62mm) gun developed by the British, it was arguably the best Allied anti-tank gun of the war, going on to be mounted in Sherman Fireflies and Achilles tank destroyers, amongst others, as the British tried to deal with the heavily armored German tanks, such as the Tiger, King Tiger, etc.

17 pdr anti-tank gun

17 pdr anti-tank gun

This great new model comes with five crew – each with separate Figure Heads, allowing you to pose them as you desire, or to replace them with the likes of Scottish heads in Tam o'Shanters for Highland forces.

Late War British Paint Set

Don't forget: We have our Bolt Action Late War British Paint Set, which will be ideal for getting this beast onto the tabletop and knocking your opponents panzers out in double-quick time!

For more information