From Dave Graffam Models
ZIP File – $9.95 USD

The colony of Babylon sits at the edge of explored territory, a lonely outpost facing the unknown, nearly forgotten and forsaken. What passes for Babylon's downtown shopping area is known as the Sugar District because of its whimsical color scheme of white, magenta and blue — but it's no place for children. This border town has its share of liquor stores, bars, drug dens, seedy lounges, nightclubs, and other unsavory destinations to satisfy the darker desires of roughnecks who keep the place running. Almost anything you're looking for can be found in the Sugar District, if you're brave enough to ask.
This 28mm scale card models kit contains all of the printable files and step-by-step assembly instructions you need to create a sprawling futuristic colony with towers, stairways and elevated walkways. Transform your tabletop with just a few affordable supplies and some spare time. Are they sturdy? Yes! You can safely use most ordinary metal miniatures on cardstock terrain made from cover-weight paper.