..so big they had to say it thrice!
Yes, with April just round the corner, thoughts are now turning to the annual visit to the Excel Centre and the company of 5,000 or so eager wargamers. This year, the hobby's flagship event will actually feature some 6mm games, including Per Broden's wonderful presentation of Fraustadt.
Many of you have already put your Salute collection orders in, and thanks to you for that. If you are coming to Salute and you want to place an order to pick up on the day, can I please ask you to do so soon? It's going to be a very busy three weeks for us leading up to the show, so the sooner we know what you want, the better. You can do so using our shopping cart, by phone on 0114 2724491, or by emailing admin@baccus6mm.com.
We will, of course, have some new releases at Salute. This year, they will be the final few codes in the Napoleonic French range (you didn't think we'd actually finished that project, did you?)…
…and the start of the next wave of Great War codes, as we move the range forward into 1915.