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John Company 4th Edition Now at TVAG

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Edge of Empires writes:

Awesome – thanks very much :-)

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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP of The Virtual Armchair General writes:

John Company 4th Edition

One of TVAG's first original rulesets, John Company: The Conquest of India, 1750-1860, has now gone into its Fourth Edition, with clarifications and simplifications to help keep it the definitive system for warfare on the sub-continent.

Years in development through research and playtesting, and first released in 2004, JC is still the only comprehensive game system designed for powers and conditions in India. The game has gone through periodic updates and improvements, but this is the most comprehensive to date.

Is now possible to mount all wargame scale figures (from 5/6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, to 28mm) on standard 1" squares for Foot and 1" x 2" (or 2.5"), without having to make any adjustments for movement or firing. Only the number of figures may vary as may be preferred.

Other rules have been streamlined to be a bit less "fiddly," but the core game principals of limited player control and the need for giving orders to Battalions/Regiments/Batteries remain –though still without the need for any written record-keeping.

Further, lengthy portions of the original, optional rules have been removed, along with previously included printed game components, in order to make for a faster read, and to keep the price the same despite the growing costs of printing. All of these, however, are still available as PDF files, free for the asking and delivery by email.

This considerable material includes the crucial Game Card Decks, updated Cheat Sheets, Order and Resolve Counters, Optional Weather Rules, and more which are less expensive for buyers to print on cardstock themselves than for TVAG to have them printed and sold as a set.

For a limited time, the professionally printed Game Card Decks are still available for $10.00 USD, plus postage. And with all that, the Print Edition of John Company still sells for $30.00 USD, and the PDF edition for $15.00 USD, delivered free by email, including all separate PDF game components and files.

To read more about and to order John Company, simply follow this link.