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Puzzling About the Battle of Delium: Part 1

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian considers the Battle of Delium, 424 B.C.

245 hits since 18 Dec 2024

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From James Dorey

PDFPay What You Want

The Age of Warlords
The great Gaian Empire, the largest and most powerful empire the world of Gaia has ever seen, is gone. Consumed in the fires of war, and the darkness of natural disaster.

In the ashes of the Empire, an untold number of Kingdoms, City-States and Dukedoms, to name but a few, have risen with the claim that they should be the ones to rule over Gaia. And so, war is inevitable. And it is everywhere.

Leading from the front are these Emperor-wannabes. Self-Appointed Kings and Queens, Dukes and Ducheses, Princes and Princesess, fighting one another for even a strip of land. Behind their backs, the people call them by a different name; one of both resentment and fear.

The Warlords. And this is their Age now.

Form your Kingdom. Raise your Armies and prepare to battle your way to the top.

Use Orders at the right moment.

Keep your soldiers alive with the use of Formations, be they tight like a shieldwall, or loose and parted.

Calculate the range of your Missile Weapons, wither the enemy with volley after volley, before getting close in a furious charge.

These rules cover a vast range of eras, from Ancients to pre-modern. And these different eras can fight one another, thanks to the simplicity of these rules.

Gaia awaits you, Warlord. But if you fail, you will not be mourned.

For more information