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Brigade Models: "The New High Street"

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349 hits since 21 Jan 2025

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brigade Models announces:

We released our 6mm Agri Colony range of buildings 18 months ago and they have, it must be said, been rather popular. Our idea for them has always been a sort of mid-west American small-town feel but in a prefab, sci-fi style (and in bright Scandinavian colors, to mix the influences even further). Every rural community needs a Main Street to keep everyone supplied and happy, so today, we're adding a set of four shops to the range. There are three small and one large shop, which are designed to fit side-by-side and create a continuous elevated sidewalk, with access to the street via steps outside each building. Each shop has large display windows, above each door is a large shop sign, and at the rear of each shop are access/emergency doors. The buildings can be bought individually, or there's a pack with one large shop and two each of the small shops.

The New High Street

We've created and printed-out shop logos and names which we've stuck into the signs, but you can just as easily paint in the names. We've tried to keep the painting of these very simple – they get a mid-grey basecoat (Hycote Automotive primer) with a very, very light over-spray of white from above only (you could alternatively drybrush them in light grey instead of this step). Everything then gets an overall black wash (Citadel Nuln Oil). The basic colors of the panels are painted in using Citadel contrast paints, which removes the need for any further shading or highlighting. The gaps between the support legs at the front are painted black, while the roof vents and aircon units are painted silver and again washed in black. Finally, the windows are painted a lightish blue (Citadel Hoeth Blue), given a dark blue wash and two thin white highlights painted across them at an angle. And that's pretty much it.

The New High Street

The New High Street

The New High Street

The New High Street

BP300-1303 – Agri Colony Shops Pack – £18.00 GBP
B300-1318a – Small Shop 1 – £2.50 GBP
B300-1318b – Small Shop 2 – £2.50 GBP
B300-1318c – Small Shop 3 – £2.50 GBP
B300-1318d – Large Shop – £5.00 GBP

For more information