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New Napoleonic French from Warlord Games

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Suetonius Paullinus writes:

Just painted up some of the plastics.
I really like them and they fit in nicely with my Victrix.
This ambulance will certainly find it's way into my collection but I really need those casualties..!



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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

As fearsome an opponent as the Napoleonic French may be, they do need direction and discipline. Supporting our newly released plastic Napoleonic French Line Infantry are these splendid new mounted Infantry Colonels – just the thing to keep Les Bleus driving towards the enemy battleline…

Napoleonic French

This pack of two metal Colonels comes with several head options (bicorne, shako, bare head, etc.), giving you plenty of variety in your army.

Napoleonic French

It would be remiss of us not to show the new plastic French Line boxed set, so here it is…

Napoleonic French

Assembly of these finely detailed models is easy – you'll have them on the painting table in no time at all. Despite the ease of assembly, there is plenty of variety, with several head and backpack options available.

Napoleonic French

Sculpted by our own Wojtek, these glorious Napoleonic War French Line Infantry are perfect for use in games set during the most glorious period of Napoleon's reign. Facing off against Russians, Austrians and Prussians, as well as taking on the British, Spanish and Portugese on the Iberian Peninsular.

Napoleonic French

The boxed set contains 32 miniatures:

  • 28 plastic French infantry (including options for adding Grenadiers and Voltigeurs)
  • Metal command group (two officers, drummer and standardbearer)
  • Standard poles and finials
  • Full-color background leaflet containing six flags – four Line and two Light

Next are these splendid casualty miniatures – good for using as casualty markers or mixing into your rank and files for extra flavor…

Napoleonic French

One of the most interesting characters of the wars is Baron Larrey. Our vignette featuring the Baron himself, with his trademark flowing locks pointing out the next patient to be gathered by his flying ambulance. In addition to the resin-and-metal ambulance are a medic treating his French patient, tools at the ready. Whether you are looking to produce a diorama in honor of the great man, or to add something different your army/battlefield, this will be a great addition to your collection.

Baron Larrey

And finally for this batch is our Napoleonic Muletrain. With civilian mule driver this will fit most armies of the period, adding to your baggage train.

Napoleonic Mule Train

For more information