This week sees further reinforcements arrive from our recently acquired range of Landsknechts from Pro Gloria Miniatures – we're delighted to release the Handbüchse light gun, Arquebusiers, Street Entertainers, Civic Duty, and Market Day sets!
First-up we have the Handbüchse (or 'Hand Rifle') – a potent support weapon used by the Landsknechts during sieges and against war wagons.
Next, we have Landsknecht Arquebusiers – early firearm-wielding troops from the 15th and 16th Century.
Last (but by no means least!), we have three sets of civilian characters – which would could be used to represent Militia fighters, Civilian models, Objective Markers, or perhaps they'd make a nice diorama…
This pack contains an, er, 'lady' offering horizontal refreshment to passers by and weary Landsknechts, an actor with animal mask, and two musicians. Hey, nonny nonny!
As the title suggests, this pack consists of various tradespeople and their marks, er, customers – a cobbler and his bemused customers,an armourer, an aged beggar, and a woman with a large jug…
This pack holds three men in the service of their town/city – a usually vigilant sentry (caught after a night with the lady in the Street Entertainers pack?), a town crier, and a priest spreading the word of his God amongst the masses.