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Khurasan Creates Kushan Cavalry

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Stewbags writes:

I think the horse archers are some of the nicest 15mm minis i have seen, period.

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1,973 hits since 30 Jan 2009

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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khurasanminiatures of Khurasan Miniatures writes:

We have released our 15mm Kushan, Indo-Sktythian, and Eastern Parthian Cavalry models. They are now available on our webstore - cataphracts, upper class light cavalry, and lower class light cavalry.

Kushan, Indo-Skythian or East Parthian upper class horse archer

The cataphracts are based closely on the Gorelik illustrations in his Montfort book, but add the archery equipment shown in the Kurgan-Tepe art. They are also available on unarmoured horses, if preferred.

Kushan, Indo-Skythian or East Parthian cataphract

The light cavalry are based on Pugachenkova's restoration of the Khalchayan Palace sculptures. They come in two types, upper class, in a foldover coat and with a sword, and lower class, in a pullover shirt and without a sword. They can be mixed, or they can be used separately to represent the different tiers of horse archers allowed by the Field of Glory list for the Kushans.

The models were painted by Carl Robson of Raven Painting. Cheers, Carl!

We understand that the drop in the pound has made miniature shopping more difficult for our U.K. customers, and so have made every effort to keep the prices on these to the absolute lowest that is practical. We hope it helps!

In other news, we are in the midst of redesigning our website, and have just rolled out the new look. It's not all the way there, but we've made progress, and would like to thank Frederic Villaescusa for his initial suggestions on improvements.

Happy gaming!

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