Mithril Miniatures is officially licensed by Middle-Earth Enterprises for over 20 years to manufacture The Hobbit- and The Lord of the Rings-influenced collectible metal miniatures.
Every year, Mithril adds a bonus figure to its gigantic collection to celebrate Christmas.
This year, it is The Lord of Khand.
This lord represents the overlord of the Variags, a barbarous people who dwelt to the southeast of Mordor beyond the sea of Nurnen. They were completely under the sway of the Dark-lord and probably manned his eastern frontiers as well as supplying troops to his forces in the west. The Variag lord has a red eye badge upon his coat of lamellar armour, a symbol both of his power as Sauron's lieutenant and as a sign of his fealty to the Dark-lord.
There are only 200 available, and most are antique-finished, which separates them from our regular releases (which are normally primed).
The price is €20.00 EUR per figure.
These are only available to our Fellowship Club members. If you wish to collect these exclusive figures, then you can join the Fellowship, gaining five Tengwar magazines and another miniature, Aragorn and the Palantir, with your lifetime membership for €20.90 EUR.