For those who missed Salute, here's what we had on show. Here's just three of the '3up' Zouaves and two of the Sudanese tribesmen for two future plastic sets. The Zouaves are in the typical Zouave uniforms with the full breaches; others in chasseur trousers will covered in metal. We imagine there may be people who will want to convert them into other nations, the baggy breaches will allow the transition a little easier. All the figures will have enough arms to allow them all to be at 'right shoulder shift' or in a more aggressive attacking pose. All heads will have fezzes - and if there's enough room on the sprue, there will be turbaned versions for all, too.

The Sudanese tribesmen will come with a variety of clothing, simple 'kilts', tobes (over-the-shoulder plaid like garment), and jibbehs. Weapons will include spears, swords and rifles with separate shields for the Beja. Heads will include Beja ('Fuzzy Wuzzies'), skull-capped, turbaned, and bareheaded (short haired/bald). They should cover all the tribes you need for the Sudan.

There's no release date on these as we are at the beginning. The first sprue of WotR's 'Mercenaries' has gone for tooling; the command sprue will follow shortly.