Blaze Away! - a WWII ruleset for 10mm to 20mm wargames at company to battalion level - has been added to the WWII listings at FreeWargamesRules.
The rules are in two MS Word documents.
korsun0 writes: |
Yikes, we were planning on adding some other free sets but goodness knows what threads they would spawn!!! ..:) In all honesty, give them a go (if its your period) and let us know what you think. I was not a ww2 player but now I have a keen interest once I got going with them. we've hammered them for a few years and hopefully ironed out the kinks, but the philosophy of the author is playability. Scenarios can involve adapting the rules, your choice. We don't like to think of them as rules; we like to think of them as a guide. And if little old me can win with them (and that is a significant achievement) then anyone can |
Warcolours Painting Studio paints Battlefront's Soviet rocket battery.
What's in the Grenadier Company set, revised as part of the D-Day releases from Battlefront?
2,333 hits since 13 Mar 2009
Blaze Away! - a WWII ruleset for 10mm to 20mm wargames at company to battalion level - has been added to the WWII listings at FreeWargamesRules.
The rules are in two MS Word documents.