New Painting Guide: Spanish Irlanda Regiment – Napoleonic Wargaming

If you're looking to paint historically accurate Spanish Napoleonic miniatures, check out my latest step-by-step painting guide on the Spanish Irlanda Regiment. This regiment, made up of Irish expatriates in Spanish service, wore striking dark blue jackets with yellow facings and buff equipment, making them a fantastic subject for wargaming and historical collections.

A huge thanks to Francesco Thau for providing this painting guide!
The blog covers everything from basecoating, shading and layering highlights, ensuring your miniatures look great on the tabletop. It includes detailed color recommendations using Citadel and Vallejo paints, with techniques to bring out fine details like faces, metallics, and uniform textures.

A free download available on our website! A printable PDF version of the guide for easy reference while painting.
Read the full guide and download your free copy here.