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New Outpost 15mm Ranges at Salute

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unknown member writes:

Dear me – they are – well… awful?

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unknown member of Outpost Wargame Services writes:

We've got two new ranges having their first outing:

  • Late Crusade Christians (Knights in great helm, etc.)
  • South American (10 Cents) War of 1879-84 (Chile versus Peru and Bolivia)
15mm Late Crusade Christian knights

Sadly, I have not received the pictures of painted figures I was expecting, but there are pictures of either the metal or master versions on the site.

15mm Peruvian Infantry Advancing

The other ranges we will have with us are:

Dark Ages (Romano Brits, Saxons and Franks)
Republican Romans
Late Romans
Central Asiatic Turks
Ching/Manchu Chinese
Crusade Islamics
Early Crusade Christians

All packs except elephants are £1.90 GBP.

We don't have racking space yet for the rest of the ranges - so if you wanted the likes of the Franco-Prussian War figures, you can either pre-order by Monday 19th, or bring your order to the stand (TM17), pay for it, and we will send it on post-free when we get back.

Visit for more information on all our ranges.