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White Dwarf 305 Arrives This Week

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blackscribe writes:

So does the Death Watch article include 4th ed rules for them? If so, is their a disclaimer stating that all rules are likely to be changed whenever Codex: Alien Hunters comes out roughly 6 weeks before 5th ed?

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Lemax Christmas Trees

It's probably too late already this season to snatch these bargains up...

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GameCon '98

The Editor tries out this first-year gaming convention in the San Francisco Bay Area (California).

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2,273 hits since 24 May 2005

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Len Sullivan of Games Workshop America writes:

The new White Dwarf arrives this week!

WD305-13 - WHITE DWARF 305

$6.00 USD

White Dwarf 305

Featured articles this month include:

The Wayfarer's Companion to the Temple-City of Itza (Warhammer)
Background information on the first city of the Lizardmen
Warhammer Chronicles (Warhammer)
A new army list for the Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast
March of the Dead (Warhammer)
Modeling Zombie Pirates
Invasion of the New World (Warhammer)
A new map-based compaign set in the savage jungles of Lustria
Modeling Workshop (Warhammer)
Converting the Engine of the Gods
Conquest of the New World (Warhammer)
A timeline and description of some of this Summer's Lustria events
Amazing Bases
Dozens of suggestions for texturing and painting your models' bases
It Came from Outer Space (Warhammer 40,000)
Tyranid designers' notes
Lethal Engineering (Warhammer 40,000)
Modeling the new Tyranid models
Tyranid Invastion! (Warhammer 40,000)
In the first part of this series, the Tyranids begin their conquest of a planet
Purge the Alien (Warhammer 40,000)
The origins of the Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veterans
The Crimson Stalkers of Tenebra Prime (Warhammer 40,000)
Creating a Tyranid Kill Team
Chapter Approved (Warhammer 40,000)
Deathwatch Kill Teams and a new campaign set on Cadia
Only War (Warhammer 40,000)
How to maximize your shooting power
Create a Space Marine Chapter (Warhammer 40,000)
The winners and honorable mentions from the competition in U.S. Hobby Centers
Battle Report: Kluctmeir's Last Stand (Warhammer 40,000)
In their first battle report, the new Tyranids take on the Imperial Guard
Well-Earned Reprisal (The Lord of The Rings)
In a new scenario, the Dwarves battle the Easterlings.
Isengard's Pack (The Lord of The Rings)
The Warg-riding Orcs of Rik Turner
Fury of Mordor (The Lord of The Rings)
Showcasing Grond, a scratch-built battering ram from the siege of Minas Tirith
The Last Alliance (The Lord of The Rings)
A new map-based campaign set in Tolkien's Second Age

Plus much, much more...