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Hasslefree: Birthday Ogre

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unknown member writes:

I love the minotaur option, but will be waiting for the metal.

@nudspinespittle: Contact someone who has bought the resin version but used one of the other heads, buy/swap the armoured head for something the resin person wants. Glue resin head on metal miniature.

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unknown member of Hasslefree Miniatures writes:

Well...what a rollercoaster last year was, but despite everything, Hasslefree has reached its sixth birthday. To celebrate this, we are releasing a Limited Edition of our new version of Axenarf. 125 have gone on sale on our website, and we have got 25 tucked away in our 'retirement fund' box.

Birthday Ogre

Cast by Grey Matter Figures, you know it will be a lovely clean casting of Kev's sculpt, with the mid blue/grey resin showing all of the detail clearly.

Birthday Ogre

As the images above show, you have a choice of three head options (Ogre, Armoured Ogre and Beastman/Minotaur), which are all supplied with this version, as well as both versions of the base. The torso, arms and legs are cast in one piece, and all of the other limited components are cast in resin. The unlimited multi-part version will not have the armoured head or the round base, and will be cast in metal by Griffin Moulds.... so still a very nice casting!

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