The (Virtual) Armchair General expands its unique lines of top quality flag collections with this latest collection by master draftsman Chris Ferree.
These flags represent the complete OB's for the British/HEIC and Maratha forces that fought in the great campaign of 1803, that saw young General Sir Arthur Wellesley in his first field command and his great victory at Assaye over the Maratha Army of Dulet Rao Scindia.
Originally designed for the Assaye Project of 2005 which culminated in the refight of the future Duke of Wellington's greatest battle at Historicon that year, these flags were first seen in 6mm as part of the 2,500-figure collection fielded on the purpose-built battlefield. Now, they are also available in your choice of 25/28mm, 20mm, and 15mm, with both Battalion and King's Colors (and Cavalry Standards) for all units involved.
An additional set representing the units under Lake in his northern campaign against Holkar around Delhi will be released very shortly.
In the meantime, two sets of Maratha flags, one for their Regular Infantry and Cavalry formations, and another for the plethora of Irregular formations, are both available now.
If there is sufficient interest, the remaining British forces under Monson and Murray will be provided for as well, but already this collection represents the definitive source for the flags of this crucial campaign in Indian History.
To see further examples (if not very clear ones!), interested parties are invited to visit TVAG and click on the newly added Flags button (under Products By Type on the lefthand navigation frame).
Also watch for the first major releases of the massive 19th Century Chinese Flags Collection, which begins with the Tai-P'ing Rebellion. This will include the complete Colors for the Ever Victorious Army, and all other "Imitation Foreign Devils," as well as Colors and Standards of the "Pingers" themselves - altogether some 300 flags!