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Hydra Announces War Rocket

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evilcartoonist writes:

How about a "not" Planet Express ship from Futurama? That ship would fit right in IMO :)

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World War One
Science Fiction

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2,301 hits since 21 Jan 2008

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Matt Beauchamp of Hydra Miniatures writes:

War Rocket - New Game Planned for Summer 2008

War Rocket

Our 32mm Pulp sci-fi figures have proven wildly popular, and we are currently working on more Pulp sci-fi goodies. In addition, we are extremely excited to announce our upcoming product War Rocket - the game of Pulp sci-fi space combat. The rules are being designed by master painter Dave Pauwels, and will focus on the smaller spaceship missions that are the mainstay of Pulp sci-fi comics such as Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, or Dan Dare. War Rocket is designed to be a fun-and-fast mission-centered game in which each player controls no more than a dozen sparking, buzzing rocketships.

The miniatures are being created by 3D designer Phil Beauchamp, and the masters were output using a 3D printer. Metal castings are made from these resin masters, and the detail on these models is incredible. The scale of the rockets is approximately 1:285 (6mm), and most spaceships will be 1 to 3 inches long. However, we'll be designing larger battleships that will be 4-5 inches long.

Currently, there are four factions in development: Galacteers (Galactic Space Patrol), Imperial Forces of Marduk the Tyrant, Zenithian saucer-men, and Space Pirates/Marauders. The two ships in the illustration above are from the Galacteer faction.

Stay tuned for more War Rocket information!!!

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