MWAN Magazine and the Courier Magazine were two of the foundations of the Historical Miniature Gaming hobby for quite some time. Both have over 20 years of publishing history, and both have very large followings. Legio X, Inc. is now the owner of both of these publications. Rather than moving forward with both, or folding one into the other, we have decided to combine both magazines into one new magazine. That magazine is Historical Miniature Gamer Magazine.

Historical Miniature Gamer Magazine will combine the strengths of both original magazines along with the new technology available today. The magazine is full-color throughout, allowing advertisments and articles alike to benefit from the impact of color. Historical Miniature Gaming is a visual hobby, full of beautifully painted color soldiers, on exquisitely crafted terrain-like playing surfaces. Only color imagery will capture the great look of these spectacles.
Our magazine is the single largest publication to the Historical Miniature Gaming hobby in North America. We offer articles on how to play Historical Miniature games, how to paint figures, terrain and accessories, interest articles on different historical periods, game design, game conversions and much, much more! Our content is what we pride ourselves on.
- MWAN Magazine Subscribers:
- MWAN Magazine ends its run with Issue #133 (Jan/Feb 2005). Those subscribers to MWAN Magazine that have paid for issues beyond Issue #133 will have their subscriptions transferred to HMG Magazine. For every issue owed of MWAN Magazine, you will be credited with an issue of HMG Magazine. There is no limit to the number of issues owed.
- The Courier Magazine Subscribers:
- The Courier Magazine ends its run with Issue #91. Those subscribers to The Courier Magazine that have paid for issues beyond Issue #91 will have their subscriptions transferred to HMG Magazine. For every issue owed of The Courier Magazine, you will be credited with an issue of HMG Magazine, to a maximum of six issues.
For more information, please contact us at, or visit our website at