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Land Ironclads Delayed

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Charles Marlow writes:

Interesting minis… I really like the tiny 'Great War-ish' tanks.

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19th Century
Science Fiction

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3,176 hits since 29 Mar 2007

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Tony Francis of Brigade Models announces:

Design Studio Update

Just posted a few new items to the Design Studio. These include a new U.S. Nef battleship and a couple of 6mm VTOLS (finally!).

U.S. dreadnought Nef

There are also some painted pics of Land Ironclads contraptions to whet your appetite for this upcoming game - but (and there's always a but), there's some not-quite-so-good-news on that front.

British contraptions

Basically, Steve B at Wessex has been dragged all over the country with his real job, and this has meant that he has been unable to get the rules ready for printing. Since we want to release rules and models simultaneously, we've postponed from our originally planned Salute date. However, we'll make use of the slight delay to get even more models ready when the rules come about.
