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JTFM Enterprises/Die Waffenkammer Announces Price Reduction

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Jeff at JTFM Enterprises writes:

More good stuff to tempt you with very shortly. :)

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Jeff Trnka of JTFM Enterprises writes:

I am happy to announce that 24 of our 1:56 scale WWII AFVs - covering the Germans, U.K./Commonwealth, United States, and Russia - have been reduced to a new price.

NB Pz.IV group

Check out our webstore. The new pricing for these vehicles has been marked in red, I'm sure some of you will find your favorites among them.

The new pricing will be passed on to our stockists on all current restock orders - and with the lower Canadian dollar, even more value for your hard-earned cash.

NB M4A4 Sherman MkV and Firefly Vc troop

Stay tuned for the unveiling of our Platoon Deals, the release of ten new models, and something special as well over the coming week!
