We just wanted to let you know that all of our 15mm Topgun Marketing grav armor is back in stock, and ready for an orbital drop to a battlefield near you.

We sold out of all of our models awhile back, and have only just recently received replacements, including the much-coveted and never-before-available grav APCs, IFVs, and heavy mortar vehicles.
See here for more photos, and info on our product range.

As mentioned recently, we've also created a set of platoon/company-level rules and vehicle stats to go with the superb (and free) FUBAR system. This set of rules can be accessed through the Forgeofwar Yahoo! Group. There are stats for our entire range of vehicles, as well as our take on some for a number of likely opponents from other manufacturers, too!
These rules will permit you to conduct quick, fun battles on the tabletop, and to develop a better understanding of the immense power superior grav-armored vehicles can bring to bear on their enemies. The ability to independently drop to a planet's surface from orbit at Mach 3, and then to fly at just under Mach 1 to engage the opposition, permits them to control vast areas of terrain with a relatively small number of units.