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Unofficial Heroscape Stats for Song of Blades and Heroes

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1,350 hits since 19 Dec 2008

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Capn Henry announces:

If you are like me, and have kids, you may have at some point tried to get them into gaming by buying Heroscape... "Come on, it'll be fun, dinosaurs and orcs and dragons and robots and..."

The Song of Blades and Heroes

Anyway, while we do not often play Heroscape, we do have a massive pile of various pre-painted 25/28mm scale plastic figures that would be terrific for using with Ganesha Games' Song of Blades and Heroes.

So... I went through and worked up stats and costs for all the figures so far released for Heroscape, including the elusive Gen Con promos and the Elite Onyx Vipers. I don't have all of those myself, but fortunately the cards have been posted at various websites. I tried to look at each figure's Heroscape stats and flavor text and come up with stats and rules options that made sense in that context.

The file is formatted for rokendo's magnificent warband builder. Feel free to take a look and offer suggestions/ideas where you think I am off base on my interpretations of them. And of course, feel free to use them in your own games!


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