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Eureka Miniatures Announce 28mm WWII Chinese 100 Club Project

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Nic Robson writes:

100 Club WW2 Chinese Update:

The project has been funded! It is the last day for the pre-order bonuses to be available which includes the following set of 28mm John Jenkins Designs Communist Party Zombies free in pre-orders of over $200.00 AUD.


The project has garnered enough interest that we will produce German Helmeted versions of all the main troop types in the range. New code numbers have been added for these figures for you to order them below.

Any additional commitments now will be put towards Chinese Guerrilla fighters.

If you have already pre-ordered and want these added to your order, either drop us an email at or put in a new order and we will combine them.

More details can be found here:

Pre-order link here:

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Nic Robson of Eureka Miniatures writes:

100 Club WWII Chinese

WWII Poster

Following on from the success of our WWII Australian Home Guard project, which allowed us to fund 18 unique new miniatures, it was suggested that we create a range of 28mm Chinese for the Second World War. So we have decided to launch another 100 Club campaign to try and fund the production of such a range.

This project is somewhat larger in scale than the Australian Home Guard range, and requires us to raise $5,000.00 AUD to complete. We will close the pre-orders on 30th April, and if we have enough pledges to complete the range, development will begin. Sculpting will be by Kosta Heristanidis, and will take a minimum of three months. We expect to ship in September 2021.

Any funds over $5,000.00 AUD will be put towards additional figures, such as guerrillas and helmeted versions of core troops. There will also be campaign bonuses to those that contribute a certain amount.

Please pre-order using the link below. If the required money is pledged, we will ask for a 50% deposit. The balance and shipping will be charged when we dispatch.

More details can be found here.

Pre-order link here.

Also a link to a podcast featuring information regarding the Chinese in WWII.

For more information

Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian