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Epic Buildings Announces New Release

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teboj17 writes:

I will not sponsor anyone or organization that would have you as a member combatpainter. Ha Ha. I know I should be a supporting member. I was initailly but let it laspe after my year was done. So are you getting paid by Bill to try and get people to be supporting members?

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MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP of Merrimack Miniatures/Old Glory Shipyard writes:

Epic Buildings of Michigan announces the release of Dracula's Castle. This beautiful castle comes painted, has lift-off roofs, a lift-off 1st floor with interior detail, removable gate, and is cast in lightweight foam. It measures approximately 22" wide x 21" deep, and stands approximately 12½" at the tallest point. This castle can easily be used for a wide range of gaming scenarios, including Pulp and Horror, Medieval and European gaming, plus so much more.

Dracula's Castle

The Old Glory Army card is honored for this castle, which brings the price to $120 USD for Old Glory Army members! It retails for $200 USD without an Old Glory Army Membership.

We will have these beautiful castles available at Cold Wars.

Dracula's Castle is a new product of Epic Buildings of Michigan, distributed exclusively by Old Glory 25's.

For more information