Are you shivering in the Northern Hemisphere and dreaming of Christmas in Hawaii?

Well, if that's out of your reach, perhaps we can induce some warm thoughts with a few new additions to our 28mm Hawaiian range!
Our 28mm Hawaiians have proved to be popular, so we thought it was time to make some additions and fill a few gaps in the range. These include a standard bearer, complete with feathered kahili standard, and a couple of warrior variants armed with muskets for those wishing to recreate the later armies of Kamehameha I. However, the star of the show is the magnificent new twin-hulled war canoe, complete with accessories and full crew.
And if 28mm is not your scale – a reminder that Eureka Miniatures also produces a range of 15mm Hawaiians.
Here are the catalogue details of the complete range with the new releases added:
Designed & sculpted by Mike Broadbent
Figures in brackets denote the number of variants. Variants are supplied randomly.
100HAW01 Hawaiian pikeman (3)
100HAW02 Hawaiian slinger (2)
100HAW03 Hawaiian warrior with hand weapons (4)
100HAW04 Hawaiian warrior, gourd helmet, hand weapons (2)
100HAW05 Hawaiian warrior in regalia with hand weapons (3)
100HAW06 Hawaiian priest (1)
100HAW07 Hawaiian conch shell player (1)
100HAW08 Hawaiian warrior in regalia with pistol (1)
100HAW09 King Kamehameha (1)
100HAW10 Hawaiian canoe – includes 7 crew (1)
100HAW11 Hawaiian musketeer (2) new
100HAW12 Hawaiian standard bearer (1) new
100HAW13 Hawaiian war canoe (1) new - includes twin hulls, 10 crew & accessories

For a strictly limited time (until our next new release), if you buy a new war canoe, you will receive the new Hawaiian standard bearer figure and both new musketeer variants for free.
This is our last new release for 2005, so we would like to wish all our customers a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. We will have more exciting new releases for you in January.