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Thoroughbred's New 1/600 Ironclad Release - Gloire

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BlackWidowPilot Fezian writes:

If these guys do the Sino-Japanese fleets for the Battle of the Yalu, I'm a DEAD MAN!!! AAAAAAGHHH!!!!! LOL!! evil grin

Leland R. Erickson
Metal Express

P.S. For God's sake, people!! Do the Dupuey de Lome!!! evil grin

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Master Caster of Thoroughbred Figures writes:

The newest member added to the Thoroughbred 1/600 scale ironclads product line-up: TS73 Gloire (the French ironclad that started it all with the 19th century naval arms race).


Kit is all-metal, with 30+ parts plus the French flag - $29.00 USD plus our standard postage (see website for ordering information).

The main hull measures out at over 5 inches long, and is quite heavy.... so don't get mad at your gaming opponent and throw it at them, as someone will get bruised. Just kidding.


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