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Cavalcade Wargames Acquires Dragonblood Miniatures

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DeanMoto writes:

Miniature companies are never appreciated until they almost die
of course, as with any true artist, their works only command high prices after their gone.

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nycjadie of Cavalcade LLC writes:

Cavalcade Wargames is pleased to announce its acquisition of Dragonblood Miniatures. Over the next few months, we will be reissuing most of the models previously released by Dragonblood. We are also committed to expanding the Dragonblood ranges.

Griffon diorama

In addition, Cavalcade will be supporting the soon-to-be-released Songs of Shadowsea supplement for Ganesha Games' Song of Blades and Heroes ruleset. Songs of Shadowsea is a gaming supplement using the miniatures produced by Dragonblood Miniatures. We will be producing new models for use with the ruleset.

Cavalcade will incorporate most of the Dragonblood models into its catalog. However, some of the models, such as the diorama sets, will only be offered for a limited time before being retired.


Cavalcade Wargames is a New York City-based producer of 28mm historical and fantasy miniatures and models for wargamers, painters, modelers and collectors.

For those interested in offering our products in stores, please send us a request at for more information.

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