It's been a rough week here at Iron Wind Metals.

As I'm sure many of you know, we got a bit behind from the Origins show. We've been busting it since, and were catching up, when disaster struck.
Our partner Stu, who many of you might know from shows, was riding his Harley to work Monday when he hit a big patch of oil that some tanker truck had leaked all over the road.
He went down hard, and ended up with a badly broken left leg (the tibia, just below the knee) and right wrist.
They did surgery Monday night and put his leg into a brace with pins into the leg to keep it immobilized. They're going to operate on the wrist in the next couple of days and put a pin in it. Then, a week or two from now, when the swelling goes down, they'll operate on the leg again to fix the broken bone.
He should be fine, but it's going to be a long recovery.
Needless to say, we're scrambling again, as he's not just a partner and friend, but the head of both our casting and molding departments. We're all pulling long hours, and are getting in extra help ASAP, but may fall a bit behind again.
So, please be patient if your orders take a bit longer than normal. We're working hard to get caught up as soon as we can...