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German Battleships 1914–18 New from Osprey

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(I make fun of others) writes:

Why does the cover say Ostfriesland was a class, when that ship was just one vessel in the Helgoland class?

Also wonder why the Braunschweig class is not covered, as that class was also present at Jutland. The earlier classes of pre-dreads didn't see action, but the Braunschweigs did.

I assume that the second book will cover the Kaiser, Konig and Bayern classes.

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World War One

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967 hits since 27 Feb 2010

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Osprey Publishing announces the release of:

German Battleships 1914-18 (1)

German Battleships 1914-1918

Deutschland, Nassau and Helgoland classes

New Vanguard 164

Book: 	      £9.99 GBP 	
Author: Gary Staff
Illustrator: Paul Wright

This volume covers the history of the Deutschland to Osfriesland classes of German battlecruisers, beginning with the last of the pre-dreadnought battleships, and explaining the revolutionary developments, particularly the vast increases in size and armament, that took place within the German Imperial Navy as it readied itself for war.

Gary Staff describes the design and technology of these classes, focusing on the development and combat experiences of individual ships. Supported by official documents, first-hand accounts and drawings, this book also contains specially commissioned artwork depicting the battleship Pommern fighting at Jutland and ships of the Osfriesland class destroying HMS Black Prince in a dramatic night-time engagement.

Paperback; February 2010; 48 pages; ISBN: 9781846034671

For more information