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Heroscape Month at Miniature Wargaming

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Annerios writes:

Nick53. I believe that was happening yesterday. It had the wrong image, but the downloaded file was the correct issue. I checked today and the image issue seems to be fixed.

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MiniatureWargaming dot com of Miniature Wargaming writes:

My eldest got a copy of Heroscape for Christmas, so naturally I went web-surfing for free online Heroscape resources. I found a bunch, and I'm going to share them with you in the month of January.

Heroscape Master Set

Each day this month, in addition to the regular wargaming link, I'm going to offer an additional Heroscape-related resource. I've found new unit cards, online unit creators, combat simulators, terrain mappers, and more!

At our house, we've already played quite a few games of Heroscape, and I'm really enthusiastic about it - especially as a fun way to introduce non-gamers to miniature wargaming.

For more information