Early Etruscan Hoplites in 28mm by Steve Saleh
The serpent-coiffed staff of Gorgon Studios is extremely excited to finally have some preview shots of our new historical 28mm range. We present to you our first group of early Etruscan hoplites, sculpted by Steve Saleh. These are the first sculpts of Gorgon's early Etruscan range and should be available, along with a second group of hoplites and command, shortly. As we write, the rest of the "first wave" of six packs is traveling to the Gorgon foundry.

These models represent the pride of Etruria. They are the Etruscan citizen hoplites and muster from the city-states of Veii and Clusium. These troops form the backbone of Lars Porsenna's army, that would eventually capture Rome herself!

Alternatively, the beauty of these figures is their supreme flexibility. Because the Etruscans styled their heavy infantry on their contemporary Greek counterparts, these hoplites can be used for almost any classical army, from Syracusan heavy troops to First Punic War hoplite mercenaries.