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Iron Ivan Games Releases Price of Glory WWI Rules

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Pizzagrenadier writes:

That is correct, the rules do not contain detailed TO&E's for any of the major forces, but an army creator system to allow you to create them. The creator is extremely flexible. You select your level of Marksmanship, Valor (Melee), and Courage scores. There are several pre selected templates such as a "European Regular", "Stormtrooper", "Colonials", and "Cavalry" for example while each of these can be added to or tweaked to suit your needs. There simply wasn't the room to do all of the TO&Es we would have wanted to do…

However. We do recognize the need for such material, and we plan to release a few free PDF TO&Es for the major European combatants in the months following Cold Wars. They will be available on our Yahoo Group and the website. Who knows, maybe an Irish Troubles list might work its way out there too…


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Keith Stine of Iron Ivan Games writes:

Iron Ivan Games is pleased to announce the release of a new set of rules for World War One. The rules are 1:1 scale, small-unit based, and will allow players to wargame small trench raids all the way up to company-sized actions. Those familiar with our WWII rules Disposable Heroes and Coffin for Seven Brothers will easily jump right into Price of Glory. Those new to the rules will find an intuitive, smooth, easy-to-learn system that focuses on small-unit tactical realism.

Price of Glory

Price of Glory is a stand-alone system, and a copy of DH & C7B is not needed to play. Besides the rules for movement, firing, and melee, there are rules for barbed wire, gas, artillery, vehicles, and many others to bring the WWI battlefield to the tabletop. Not just focusing on trench warfare, Price of Glory allows players to game any period of the war, and any theatre - including Colonial Africa and the Middle East, as well as the Russian Civil War and lots of other Back of Beyond and interwar games.

Included in the book are the rules, 3 scenarios, a huge selection of the different artillery pieces used by each of the major combatants, and a list of most of the vehicles used as well. The army list is very adaptable and allows players to create a variety of different WWI forces from Kitchener's troops, to Rommel's elite mountaineers, to Lettow-Vorbecks colonials, as well as the famous German Stormtroopers.

We hope you enjoy Iron Ivan Games foray into World War One.

In addition to the release of Price of Glory, we are also pleased to announce that we have reprinted Futile Gallantry, our Early War supplement for our WWII system. Fans of the Early War will love the huge selection of army lists, equipment, artillery, and vehicles. The reprinting has a few corrections of typos, a few small corrections to a few vehicles, but is otherwise unchanged in content from the first release.

Also, we would like to announce that we will be at Cold Wars this coming weekend at the Lancaster Host Resort. We will be carrying our full line of rules, including the Price of Glory, as well as the full line of KHI 1/56th scale vehicles mastered by Tony Ashcroft. We will also have a small amount of commercial terrain and a few other odds and ends.

Stop on by and say hello!