Warhammer Historical is proud to announce that the long-awaited second edition of our hugely popular Warhammer Ancient Battles rulebook will be released soon. It will be available only direct from Warhammer Historical, but copies will be available from the Warhammer Historical stand at Salute 2010.

This lavish new edition is extensively illustrated with a plethora of diagrams, artwork and photographs of painted models, as you can see from these sample pagespreads here and here.
This new edition also features a selection of new special rules covering the unique doctrines, cultures and weaponry of ancient times in order to add even greater depth and enjoyment to your games. Warhammer Ancient Battles Second Edition also features fully revised army lists for Romans and Barbarians, and a selection of sample army rosters from across the ancients periods, from the Egyptians of the New Kingdom to the Crusaders.
This full-colour, large-format, 216-page hardback book features a fully updated and extensively revised set of rules for playing the epic battles of the ancient world, and will be priced at £32.00 GBP.