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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP writes:

Bill hi, yes it should be $38 USD usd
can you fix it

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Editor Julia describes the close-fought battle that swung around and round the Rock!

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817 hits since 30 Jan 2025

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of OMM writes:

Most items due into the shoppe in a couple weeks. If you wish to pick up your order at the shoppe, please call ahead to ensure we are open.

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Islamic Cavalry: 28mm Figures

Islamic Cavalry: 28mm Figures

Contains twelve figures that represent the Seljuk and Syrian heavy cavalry of the 12th to 13th centuries. Includes a mix of armor styles of mail and lamellar, and varying helmets – from all-enclosing mail hoods with elaborate spiked helms to open-faced helmets with turbans. Also included are a few bow-firing arms, as well as swords, spears, lances, axes and maces. Includes some Seljuk heads with their distinctive hair in three braids, as well as the Seljuk fur caps. Models require assembly and painting. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $45.00 USD.
The Great War: German MG-08 Crews (1914-1918) 28mm Figures

The Great War: German MG-08 Crews (1914-1918) 28mm Figures

This set allows you to build up to three 28mm German MG-08 teams. There are six MG-08s in the box, with half that can be built at a higher elevation. There are nine crew figures. Several arm options allow for a variety of poses. Also included are enough heads to outfit every figure with stahlhelm, feldmutze, pickelhaube, tshapka and schirmmutz. Every type comes with gasmask versions. All parts are compatible with WAAGW001 German Infantry as well. Models require assembly and painting. Bases are not included. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 10%: Now $31.50 USD.


Wargaming World Solo: Fantasy Rules

Wargaming World Solo: Fantasy Rules

Designed for any scale of figures. This follows on from the successful historical solo rules. Uses a chart-based system to play your opponent, giving a realistic yet unpredictable games. Full-color and large format. $16.00 USD


The Knights Templar: History & Mystery

The Knights Templar: History & Mystery

Explores the history, legacy, and mysteries of the Knights Templar, from their valor in battle to their brutal downfall. They were holy warriors who fought with incredible bravery in the Crusades but were then destroyed by their own side. In battle, they were the bravest knights – first on the battlefield and the last to quit. The Templars were always the target of jealousy and hatred because of their military prowess, financial acumen, and strict organization. This book seeks to find truth in the mystery of their initiation rituals and beliefs, as well as why they were so brutally destroyed. 30 mono illustrations. $35.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $29.75 USD.
A Battle Lost & Won: Marston Moor 1644

A Battle Lost & Won: Marston Moor 1644

Study of the campaign and battle benefits from the findings of a new archaeological survey. Draws on artifact evidence to undertake a critical review of eyewitness accounts which has led to question the version of the battle presented by some of the participants. Proposes a sequence of events which differs from the traditional narrative. Contains color illustrations, maps, flags, and other illustrations. $61.00 USD

King George's Hangman: Henry Hawley & the Battle of Falkirk 1746

King George's Hangman: Henry Hawley & the Battle of Falkirk 1746

Details Hangman Hawley, a villain that held a prominent place in Jacobite demonology as well as held in contempt by those who opposed the Jacobite cause. He is reputed to have been a man who enjoyed hanging his own soldiers, looting from his enemies, and harrying defeated foes, yet he was defeated in the only battle that he ever held command. Covers both Hawley's professional and personal life; in both, he was a figure of controversy. Contains six black-and-white illustrations, seven black-and-white photos, and two maps. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
A Grand Opening Squandered: The Battle for Petersburg: June 15-18, 1864

A Grand Opening Squandered: The Battle for Petersburg: June 15-18, 1864

Provides fresh and renewed attention to the ACW battle of Petersburg. Inside are original maps, new research, and dozens of images. Grant set his armies toward the powerhouse of Petersburg. His bold maneuver, which included the construction of a lengthy pontoon bridge across the broad James River and a surprise march against the city, caught Robert E. Lee by surprise. Petersburg was lightly guarded and seemed at the mercy of the Federals. Its capture would sever the lifelines into Richmond, force the evacuation of the Southern capital, and ensure President Abraham Lincoln's reelection, eliminating whatever thin hopes the Confederacy still had for victory. Somehow, the Confederates managed to hold on against the Federal effort and fight them to a standstill – and it became one of the last strategic victories for the South. Contains 193 images and seven maps. $17.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $19.55 USD.
Patriots Twice: Former Confederates & the Building of America After the Civil War

Patriots Twice: Former Confederates & the Building of America After the Civil War

Identifies more than 300 former Confederate soldiers, sailors and government officials who reintegrated into American society and attained positions of authority and influence in the federal government, the United States military, academia, science, commerce, and industry. Their contributions had a long-lasting and positive influence on the country we have today. Contains 85 images. $23.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $19.55 USD.
In the Thickest of the Fray: Mississippians at Gettysburg – In Their Own Words

In the Thickest of the Fray: Mississippians at Gettysburg – In Their Own Words

Collects the newspaper articles, diaries, and interviews of the common Mississippi soldiers who fought at Gettysburg and in the Pennsylvania Campaign. Tracking from the march to Pennsylvania, on each of the three days, and through the retreat back into Virginia, this work describes what the soldiers related about their participation in the great battle. Included is a brief history of Mississippi in the Confederacy and the Mississippi brigades within the Army of Northern Virginia that participated in the fight. Contains photographs and maps. $25.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $21.25 USD.
Red Army Self-Propelled Guns of the Second World War: Photographic History of the Red Army's Second World War Self-Propelled Artillery

Red Army Self-Propelled Guns of the Second World War: Photographic History of the Red Army's Second World War Self-Propelled Artillery

Explores the development, tactics, and pivotal role of Soviet self-propelled artillery during WWII. Assesses and illustrates all the types produced and covers their organization, training, tactics and combat operations. Details how the SU-76, SU-122, and SU-152 matched German self-propelled artillery in terms of performance, and heavily outnumbered them on the battlefield. Contains 200 mono illustrations. $50.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $42.50 USD.
Target London – Battle of Britain: 7 September 1940 – 17 September 1940

Target London – Battle of Britain: 7 September 1940 – 17 September 1940

Investigates the wider context and intimate details of this aerial conflict, and gives due acknowledgment to the roles of Bomber and Coastal Commands in addition to the fabled few of Fighter Command. Draws upon a lifetime of research, with sources from survivors and relatives of casualties – interviews and first-hand accounts, as well as personal papers. Contests the myth that because the Germans switched to bombing London, they lost the Battle of Britain. Analyzes U.K. 12 Group Duxford Wing's first action and results. Contains 32 mono illustrations. $45.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $38.25 USD.
An O.S.S. Secret Agent Behind Enemy Lines: The Second World War Exploits of Lieutenant Leif Bangsboll

An O.S.S. Secret Agent Behind Enemy Lines: The Second World War Exploits of Lieutenant Leif Bangsboll

Details the remarkable life of Leif Bangsboll, a Danish sailor, aviator and O.S.S. secret agent during WWII, compiled by his son. Details his life and missions, from an unplanned role in a rescue mission off the embattled shores of Dunkirk, to joining the Norwegian Air Force and being trained as a pilot in Canada as part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Covers his recruitment by the United States Army to become a field agent for the Office of Strategic Services. Explains how he trained Danish resistance fighters, planned and led sabotage missions against the German occupation forces, and hunted down and eliminated known collaborators. His efforts earned him the U.S. Distinguished Service Cross, as well as the Danish Royal Knights Order of King Christian X – cited for courage and selfless bravery in the face of the enemy. Contains 44 mono illustrations. $40.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $34.00 USD.
The Russian-Ukranian War, 2023: A Second Year of Hell & the Dawn of Drone Warfare

The Russian-Ukranian War, 2023: A Second Year of Hell & the Dawn of Drone Warfare

Details the second year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, focusing on drone warfare, strategic battles, and global impacts. Reports on 21st Century mechanized warfare and how drones and unmanned aerial vehicles have evolved to dominate the tactical, operational and strategic levels of war. The year 2023 saw the dawn of drone warfare as combatants on both sides of the conflict deployed drones through all domains of the battlefield. Discusses how drones performed reconnaissance; targeting for artillery and direct attacks; and seeking, identifying, and striking targets not only on the battlefield but in the Black Sea and deep inside Russia. Contains 16 color illustrations and 20 mono illustrations. $43.00 USD

OMM Discount 15%: Now $36.55 USD.

And Don't Forget the Magazines…

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #134: Sir, the Peasants Are Revolting!

Wargames Soldiers & Strategy #134: Sir, the Peasants Are Revolting!

Theme: The Peasants are Revolting: A Look at Peasant Armies in the Middle Ages – Peasants rise up!; I Am Spartacus – Campaign Game for the Third Servile War; How Bishop Otto II was scalped in a swamp – The 1227 Battle of Ane; The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381 – When Adam delved and Eve span; Refighting the Battle of Leipheim: April 4, 1525 – The Devil's Work; Planning a Miniature Peasant Revolt – Cast off the Yoke of Bondage; The German Peasants are Revolting – Die Zwolf Artikel. Features: A Nostalgic Fantasy Scenario For All Ages – Eagle Omelettes; Assaulting Fort Mulgrave, December 16-17, 1793 – Napoleon at Little Gibraltar; A Great War Mini Campaign at Messines Ridge – Bite and Hold; Let Us Go Inland and Get Killed: June 6, 1944 – Opening up Omaha; Painting a Gladiator with Non-Metallic Metals – Morituri te Salutant; Faster, better, more – Prepare for battle. Departments: Miniature Reviews; Up Front – And a New One Has Just Begun; The Irregular – Go Write a scenario!; Let's Play Tribal Conquest – When Two Prehistoric Tribes go to War; Game reviews – Bronze Shield, Silver Coin, Armies of Germany (supplement for 3rd edition Bolt Action), Corps Command IV, and The Wars of the Roses (supplement for Hail Caesar); Book Reviews; Parting Shots. $12.00 USD

Ancient History Magazine # 53: Travels With the Phoenicians

Ancient History Magazine # 53: Travels With the Phoenicians

Theme: The Phoenicians. Exploring Phoenician Influence – Overlooked Innovators; The Ancient Phoenicians – A Question of Identity; From Myth to History – Phoenicians in Iberia and Tartessos; Early History and Legends – Phoenician Carthage; Tyre's Control Over Cyprus – Trick Imperial Entanglements. Features: A Little Frog in a Big Pond? – Oropus and the Amphiareum; Early Egyptian Relations with Sub-Saharan Africa – Trade, War, and Diplomacy; Measurements and Mathematics in Ancient Rome – Practical-Minded Masters; Funerary Cult in Ancient Athens – Visiting Rites; Separating Fact from Fiction – The Founding of Alexandria; Manumission in Ancient Rome – How to Free Your Slave. $12.00 USD

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