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Warlord Games "Unleash Hell!"

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Cincinnatus writes:

People aren't paying GW that amount because the figure looks good, they are paying because it's an integral part of an army they are building. There's a big difference.

Granted, there are people who will buy a fig for that amount because they like it but that doesn't mean most guys looking for a cool general fig will think it a reasonable price.

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3,099 hits since 23 May 2010

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Kristen at WarlordGames of Warlord Games Ltd. writes:

An absolute must for any Roman player (and for anyone fancying a challenge on the painting front) is this resin sculpt of a Roman General and his trusty warhound. We simply had to have it cast in resin to maintain such a fine level of detail - as detailed a 28mm miniature as you're likely to see!

Roman general with warhound

From the finely sculpted breastplate and wolf-fur-lined cloak to the collar on his faithful warhound, this model exudes character and leadership from every surface.

Every Roman commander simply requires this iconic and exciting battlefield presence for their collection. You can purchase your own right now in the Warlord webstore!

For more information