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New 1:56 Scale SYW Prussian Artillery from Fife & Drum

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KaweWeissiZadeh writes:

Very nice looking models and really affordable they're too.
I am looking forward to see them at Historicon.

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Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP of Fife & Drum Miniatures writes:

Fife & Drum Miniatures is pleased to announce the addition of 1:56 scale Prussian artillery equipment for the 18th Century. These models were designed to use with the Minden Miniatures range of 1:56 scale soldiers, and are suitable to use with other 28mm and 30mm figure ranges.

Prussian Cannon (L to R) 12-pdr, 10-pd Howitzer, 6-pdr, and 3-pdr

We also have a full range of limbers, limber horses and drivers, munitions wagons, and pontoon wagons to augment your Seven Years War Prussians or other 18th Century armies.

Munitions Wagon and Pontoon Wagon

Here is a picture of some of the Fife & Drum artillery in action, with Minden Miniatures Prussian crew shown for size comparison:

Prussian 6-pdr and 3-pdr with light limber with ammo chest, shown with Minden Prussian artillery crew

The new product codes and prices are as follows:

E-008 - Pair of limber horses and civilian driver - $8.00 USD
AE-017 - Pair of pontoons only - $8.00 USD
AE-018 - Pontoon wagon with one pontoon - $10.00 USD
AE-019 - Munitions wagon (wicker-sided with canvas cover) - $10.00 USD
AE-020 - Prussian 12-pounder - $6.00 USD
AE-021 - Prussian 10-pound Howitzer - $6.00 USD
AE-022 - Prussian 6-pounder - $6.00 USD
AE-023 - Prussian 3-pounder M1740 Holtzmann model - $5.00 USD
AE-024 - Prussian light limber with ammo chest (use with 6-pdr and 3-pdr) - $5.00 USD
AE-025 - Prussian heavy A-Frame artillery limber - $5.00 USD
AE-026 - Pair of civilian limber horse riders only – 1 brimmed hat & 1 tricorne - $4.00 USD

For more information