From Saturday evening, after the dealer hall closed, to Sunday morning, just before the dealer hall opened, this display miniature was stolen. I do a thorough check of all of my miniatures anytime I leave my booth or return, and after closing Saturday evening the miniature was still present. Upon my return to my booth Sunday morning about 15 minutes until hall opening, it was gone.

Because of the time this miniature was taken, there is a high chance that another dealer or someone working for/with another dealer is responsible. However, anything is possible, as security consists of loud Gypsy music which hardly does anything to detour those not allowed 'after hours' (it does annoy the hell out of those who are supposed to be there).
It is perfectly feasible that a customer is responsible, as there were still con attendees in the hall when I left for the night.
In any case, this miniature was my favorite out of my collection, and more importantly, it wasn't yours!!!
Whoever is responsible for the despicable act need do the right thing and send it back to me. I am giving this person one chance to come clean (anonymously or not). If you return my miniature to me, it is done, your conscience will be clear and you can tell your mom she actually did do some good in this world.
Anyone else who is aware of this theft, please help convince the perpetrator to return this miniature to me. I am offering a reward for the return of this miniature to the person who helps me get it back, provided I get information on the subject, if you know of him/her.
The reward I am offering to the person that stole this miniature from me is to not pursue a criminal complaint for Grand Theft as related to the value I have deemed this miniature ($400 USD). This value is based off of my last three commissioned works. Barring any state laws on property value in Pennsylvania, I would then pursue Burglary charges (also a Felony), as the time of the theft means you were not supposed to be in the hall at the time of the theft (unless you were a dealer, in which case it will be even worse for you business-wise).
If you know who is responsible for the theft of this miniature, please come forward and help me get it back. Several of my customers enjoyed looking at this particular piece in person, and I enjoyed talking about it. When at home in its display case, it sits next to my daughter's first painted miniature (Cora Munroe LOTM).
Long story short, turn yourself in (anonymously or not) by returning this miniature to me, and all is forgiven and I'll consider it a moment of stupidity with a realization of clarity.
Otherwise, if I have to rely on someone ratting you out, I will pursue all legal options to the fullest extent of the law (since that's what I usually do in my regular day job). And then your mom will really be proud at her life's work.
Thanks for a grand Historicon!