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Wessex Preview Geheimkrieg Greens

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Tommy20 writes:

But everyone knows Hitler derived inspiration for his uniforms from GW artwork! He was a rabid 40k fan!

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1,897 hits since 3 Aug 2005

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Steve Blease of Wessex Games writes:

I've posted pictures of the first greens for our forthcoming 28mm scale WWII Dark Science wargame Geheimkrieg on our website.


The range will include a variety of troops from Abteilung 848, a top secret Nazi unit, as well as the special forces units employed by the Allies to combat them.


We're aiming for a September release date at present, and hope to have more news soon.

Dr Geratmann

For more information