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Eureka Releases 28mm Macedonian Pikemen

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SBSchifani writes:

Fantastic work. How about some Almughavars?

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

In the mid 4th Century BC, the Macedonians took the Greek hoplite phalanx a step further; deepening the formation to some 16 ranks and equipping its men with the sarissa – a c.6 metre long, two handed pike. Often numbering close to 10,000 men, the Macedonian pike phalanx was a massive formation that dominated the centre of the battle line, and should form the back-bone of all collections of Macedonian model soldiers.

28mm Macedonian Pikeman

To accurately reflect the appearance of a Macedonian phalanx, Mike Broadbent has designed these figures into two broad types – active poses for the front ranks and more passive poses for the rear ranks. He's then represented these poses in a variety of different armour and dress. Many members of the phalanx's rear ranks, for example, wore little or no armour, except for a shield and perhaps a helmet.

We have coded them so that you can choose your own combination of pose and equipment types. The range also includes officers and musicians.

All our rank-and-file pikemen are cast holding a white metal pike. However, those of you who would rather replace these with more robust wire spears can easily cut away the white metal pikes and drill out the figure's hands.

28mm Macedonian Pikeman

Here are the catalogue details of the new miniatures:


Designed & sculpted by Mike Broadbent

Number in parenthesis denotes the number of variants

100GMA03 Macedonian pikeman, metal cuirass, front ranks (4)
100GMA04 Macedonian pikeman, linen cuirass, front ranks (4)
100GMA05 Macedonian pikeman, un-armoured rear ranks (4)
100GMA06 Macedonian pikeman, linen cuirass, rear ranks (4)
100GMA07 Macedonian officer (2)
100GMA08 Macedonian musician (2)



For a strictly limited time (until our next new release), if you order one each of all the rank-and-file pikemen (all four variants from each code 100GMA03-06 = 16 figures = $44.00 AUD*) you will receive for free all four Macedonian command figures (both variants from 100GMA07 & 08).

*Excluding 'Goods and Services Tax' (payable by Australian customers) and exclusive of shipping.

For more information