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LBMS: New Website & New Releases

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49,928 hits since 19 Oct 2006

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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STEVE LBMS of Little Big Men Studios writes:

The new website is finally up and running and displaying everything I produce. This currently stands at 768 transfer sheets covering 28mm, 15mm, 10mm and 1/72 scale transfers. You can view the new site at:

Teutonic knight - banner shield designs (Gripping Beast)

New releases are a 28mm Teutonic banner sheet, 2 sheets (hopefully 3 by Saturday!) of Teutonic heater shield sheets to fit Gripping Beast's new Teutonic miniatures.

Teutonic banners

Also just released are transfers to fit Xyston miniatures 15mm Ancients. These cover Greek Hoplite, Thracian, Persian, Italian, Republican Roman, Macedonian and Carthaginian. Spanish, Celtic, Indian and more Italian and Carthaginians will follow before Christmas. Chiltern Miniatures will have these on sale at SELWG on Sunday.

Thracian shield transfers (Xyston)
Persian Guard shield transfers (Xyston)

More new items to appear at the show will be the range of 10mm Magister Militum transfers. These will be sold by Magister Militum on the day. This range consists of Republican Roman, Early Imperial Roman, Marian Roman, Late Roman and Norman.

I shall be floating around the show on Sunday and helping Julian Edwards on the Chiltern Miniatures stand for some of the day, so stop by and say hello.

Novemebr will see more new releases for the Arthurians and GB's new Welsh. This will be more shield transfers and a couple of banner sheets. Before the end of the year, there should also be some announcements about a new figure range (currently in production) and fantasy shields, banners and transfers!